Some file systems do not support files larger than2GB, so there is an option to set the maximum file size by splitting the image into multiple volume files. 一些文件系统不支持大于2G的文件,因此,可以通过将映像分解到多个卷文件,从而设置最大文件大小。
EFBIG& The request would cause a file to expand past the implementation-defined maximum file size. 请求会导致文件扩展并超过实现所定义的最大文件大小。
If you are tracing to a file, the size of the dump file is limited only by the free space and maximum allowable file size on the system. 如果是将跟踪信息存储到一个文件,则转储文件的大小只受空余空间和系统所允许的最大文件大小的限制。
Capturing has stopped because the file has reached the maximum file size. 捕获因文件已达到最大文件大小而停止。
Increasing the maximum upload file size is not a difficult task but developers need to know the best approach to overriding the default. 想增加这个尺寸的上限并没有什么难度,不过开发者需要知道怎样做才是最好的方法。
File growth size cannot exceed the maximum file size specified. You need to adjust either the max file size or file growth size. 文件增长量不能超过指定的最大文件大小。请调整最大文件大小或文件增长量。
Maximum file size for sending a movie as an attachment in an e-mail message. 将电影作为电子邮件附件发送时的最大文件大小。
So you want to set this to the maximum allowed file size you want uploaded. 所以,你想设置最大文件的大小以允许您想要上传的文件。
Changes the configured behavior for writing new entries when the event log reaches its maximum file size. 更改已配置的行为,以便在事件日志达到其最大文件大小时写入新项。
To automatically create new files when the maximum file size is reached. 以便当文件大小达到最大值时自动创建新文件。
The maximum file size field contains non-numeric characters. Specify only numeric characters. 最大文件尺寸域包含非数字字符。只能指定数字字符。
Users have full control of scanning depth, maximum file size, and scan timeout. 用户对扫描深度,最大文件大小完全控制,扫描超时。
Changing the maximum file upload size is the starting point for is not a complete solution for allowing large file uploads. 对于允许大文件上传来说,改变默认的上传文件大小限制仅仅是我们要做的第一步。
Use the following procedure to set the maximum file size for a trace file. 使用以下步骤可设置跟踪文件的最大文件大小。
System performance, response time and maximum file size are discussed. 讨论了系统的性能,即系统响应时间和最大文件大小;